Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Naughty or Nice

Christmas is a time where we as children and adults take a look at the year and determine whether we've been 'naughty or nice'. Do we 'deserve' to get a present or did we miss the mark and get a 'lump of coal' in our stocking.
What are the 'rules' we have to follow to get on Santa's 'nice' list.
Todays study in the book of Colossians talks about this very subject.
Do we subscribe to the idea that practicing certain rules and regulations will make us good enough to make the 'nice' list. Did we go to 'church' a few times? Did we put a little money in the Christmas cheer pot? Did we contribute to the fall supper? Did we feed the cat and take out the garbage when asked? Did we share our toys? Did we only eat a little candy and all of our broccoli?
We can become puffed up and self righteous thinking we are 'good' enough? We have arrived....we are on the 'good' list.
Following a set of man made rules gives an outward semblance of goodness or spirituality but it can't change our hearts. This legalism is a popular thing because you can 'measure' your goodness or spiritual life - and even brag about it!
The power of Christ in our life does more than merely restrain our desires: it puts new desires within us. Nature determines appetite. As Christians we have the very nature of God within us.  This means we have godly ambitions and desires. It means we don't need rules or laws on the outside to control our appetites or desires because we have 'life' on the inside. We are powerless on our own to fulfil all the requirements to make it to the 'good' list.
And that is what Christmas is all about.
John 3:16 "God so loved 'me' and 'you' that He gave His only Begotten Son so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have Everlasting Life.
We need to embrace the spiritual reality we have in Christ.
As we yield to the indwelling Spirit, we receive the power we need for daily living.
It transforms us from the inside out.

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